Rolling on….

Posted: February 20, 2015 in gaming
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Well the roll continues! Managed to complete a few more figures now – tally has made it now to 5/7/-2

Working on the warmachine force in anticipation of the next game I’ve completed the gunmages I started before we moved house –




They are a bit plain, the browns are to make them a little more mercenary than cygnar – my force has bent the rules a little to use them and the long gunners – as opposed to the either/or option in the theme lists. As we only really play with friends and the bend is just to use the figures we had instead of buying new ones (they are a bit on the expensive side!) its no big issue to us.
I still need to practice eyes – I’ve never been good at them. I’m happy enough to use these though 🙂
Next up is the caster – drake mcbaine! He is another I started last year – I wasn’t happy with the way he was going so put him aside. The skin and eyes is started with and did this morning, much happier with the way that he has come out.

The other thing I have realised this morning is that the project I kickstarter from heresy last year is also coming up to production now, Andy there has started the re-sculpts and fresh castings and I will shortly be able to pick out which models from his kickstarter I want with my pledge – that’s potentially a lot of big and small things! I think the max would work out as around 50 if I took multi model choices, more likely to be 20 as I really fancy some of the bigger and single figure choices off the list.
This does mean that my lead tally will take a hit over the next few months, even if I am really good and don’t splash out on new models! Better get cracking on the painting then……

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